It's all about ME

My full name is Jessica Nicole Verda...but do not ever call me either of those names because i hate them,my name is NICKI,and i believe Nicki fits me perfectly.I'm loud,outgoing,hilarious(or so i've been told),i have no patience,i love children,horses,fishing,and shopping of course.Im terrible with money,if Noah would let me i'd spend every penny i have on shoes,clothes and anything from Victoria Secret.I'm definately a momma's girl,i love her so much!I definately have a mouth far worse than a sailor,and if you dont like it,well just dont listen.I'm very honest and can be a total bitch at times, but 10 minutes later will feel terrible about it.I have an extremely soft heart and would do anything for anybody.I'm an only child that was spoiled rotten.I love making friends and being around people,and love making everyone laugh.I'm extremely A.D.D.,and i love music,flowers,and sunshine.
My mom and I are best friends,i love her with all my heart.

This is my P.I.C-partner in crime,my best friend,well really more like my sister from another mister.We have so many funny,awesome memories that i cherish and can't imagine life without her!

These are my two cousins Kylie and Kyra.They make my life worth living for.I love them like they are my own and think they are the most beautiful girls in the world.They both have had my heart from the second they were born.